연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 제8회장 (104)
논문코드 1O8-13
발표일 2018-10-11
발표시간 16:50-17:05
논문제목 Surface State-mediated Charge Transfer of Cs2SnI6 and Its Application in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
발표자 신현오
발표자 소속 UNIST
저자 신현오, 권태혁
논문초록 Cs2SnI6 has emerged as a promising lead-free perovskite in the optoelectronics field, however, its charge transfer kinetics remain unclear. Here, we report the charge transfer mechanism of Cs2SnI6 via its surface state. Specifically, charge transfer through the surface state of Cs2SnI6 and its subsequent surface state charging are demonstrated by cyclic voltammetry and Mott–Schottky measurements, respectively. Because it is expected that the surface state of Cs2SnI6 is capable of regenerating oxidized organic dyes, a Cs2SnI6-based regenerator is developed for a dye-sensitized solar cell. Consequently, Cs2SnI6 shows efficient charge transfer with a thermodynamically favorable highest occupied molecular orbital of the dyes, achieving a 79% enhancement in the photocurrent density compared with that of a conventional liquid electrolyte. Our results suggest that the surface state of Cs2SnI6 is the main charge transfer pathway and should be considered in designs of Cs2SnI6-based devices.